Mastercard is implementing new rules for merchants using subscriptions and recurring billing

Mastercard is implementing new transaction processing requirements

How Does a Loyalty Card Work?

The card is issued or given to the customer at the business location. The card [...]

Different types of reward programs

Several types of programs are available and can very easily be implemented into most any [...]

What is a loyalty/reward card?

Loyalty or Rewards programs are launched using a card made of PVC plastic that has [...]

Gift Card statistics

Today gift cards continue to grow in popularity due to the ease of use, streamlined [...]

How do gift cards work ?

How Does a Gift Card Work? Gift Cards are sold to customers for their own [...]

History of the Gift Card

What is a Gift Card? A reusable, stored-value card that enables merchants to have an [...]

Tips on Avoiding Chargebacks

(An excerpt from Chargeback Management Guide for Visa Merchants) Most chargeback situations arise at the [...]

Understanding Payment Card Industry in the U.S.

The players in the chain of payment E-­‐commerce and / or MOTO Merchant An entity [...]

Accepting USD with a “MERCHANT ACCOUNT” outside the U.S.

If the conditions for a domestic U.S. Merchant Account are not met, or if the [...]